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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Catching up & adding recent music

We've been playing early-release tracks from the new Sarah Jarosz album, Undercurrent. And now that the full album is out and we've had a chance to give it a good listen, we've added a bunch more to our playlist. This is an amazing talent - her virtuoso playing, her expressive voice and her songwriting add up to mesmerizing music.

You've been hearing us play "Too Late" and "Mercy" from Bonnie Bishop's new album, Ain't Who I Was, and now we've added "Looking For You" to our rotation.

Scott Krokoff, one of our featured indie artists, has been posting some fresh videos on his site lately, and that prompted us to take another listen to his 2015 album Realizations & Declarations Vol. 2 and add another track, "Sparrows," to our playlist.

And we've added a couple more selections from the new Wye Oak album, Tween. You'll hear "If You Should See" and "Better (For Esther) in our mix.

Our playlist is constantly expanding - and we welcome your suggestions! Comment here or email us.

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