She's a hard one to categorize: Her music blends influences of pop, folk, jazz, caberet, soul and rock, and her lyrics are quirky, humorous, perceptive, sexy -- and lots of fun.
"I write whatever kind of song gets my point across most clearly," she writes on her web site. "My point, usually, is about the miraculous, ridiculous, confusing joy of being alive."
We first caught a Carsie Blanton set when she opened for Paul Simon in 2011, and had the pleasure of seeing her again in a coffeehouse setting a couple of years later. She's now working on a new album, and has shared with us a "home demo" of one of the songs she plans to include, called "Scoundrel." You'll hear it pop up now and then in our Marvelous Mix on Birch Street Radio.
Here's a video of Carsie doing a stripped-down version of "Smoke Alarm," from her 2012 album, Idiot Heart. This was recorded in "The Watermelon," the home studio where she also recorded the Scoundrel demo.
Be sure to check out carsieblanton.com to read more and find her music, which is available for download on a name-your-own price basis.
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