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Friday, August 5, 2016

Our New & Improved stream is 'on the air'

It's New! and Improved!
Check out the "New & Improved" Birch Street Radio!

The players and links on this page have been updated to bring you Birch Street Radio on its new channel.

In our new arrangement with web broadcaster SoniXcast, we can bring you more music per hour - because we don't have to take breaks to allow for advertising.

Yes, the new Birch Street Radio is commercial-free. And it's still free to you - no sign-up required!

The new stream is also available on more sites and mobile apps, including TuneIn and Nobex.

The previous version of Birch Street Radio is still playing on Radionomy, which has been carrying our program since January. That channel will be phased out over the next several weeks -- so be sure to update your links and players! If you're listening to the old stream, you'll hear announcements asking you to come to this website and connect to the new one.

(We're planning to launch a spin-off station on Radionomy this fall. More on that later.)

The "new & improved" Birch Street Radio will continue to mix brand-new and classic rock, folk-rock, alternative, indie music and more. We hope you'll continue listening! Enjoy!

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