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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Gabriel salutes Ali & more new music additions

Peter Gabriel
Peter Gabriel says he wrote "I'm Amazing" a few years ago, inspired among other things by the life of Muhammad Ali. Following the recent death of The Greatest, Gabriel released the song as a seven-and-a-half -minute track filled, as you might expect, with a wide variety of sounds and beats. It's an unusual piece, but let it grow on you.

Following up on the single "Dark Necessities," Red Hot Chili Peppers have now released their 11th studio album The Getaway. The title track is our current pick for the New Music bin.

Syd Arthur
We've also picked up a new track by Syd Arthur. This U.K. band has been described as "psych rock" or even "psychedelic jazz," but we think they flow from the traditions of British progressive rock. "Apricity" will be the title track on their next album, due in October. It's an energetic song with a driving beat.

And what is apricity? We had to look it up, but it means the warmth of the sun in winter. Not literally appropriate for this season in the Northern Hemisphere, but hey, it's a metaphor.

Also in our New Releases bin this week:
  • "Dreaming As We Go" by Chariots, a.k.a. Tom Read, singer/songwriter/producer from the U.K. who bills his music as "indie pop for dreamers."
  • "Paper Wings" by Tyler Boone, from Charleston S.C. by way of Nashville.
  • "You Don't Get Me High Anymore," a kiss-off song from Phantogram's next album, Three, due in September.
And in the not-really-new-but-new-to-us file: After latching onto the new single from The Wind + The Wave, "Grand Canyon," we've delved back into their 2014 release From The Wreckage and added "From The Wreckage Build A Home" to our playlist.

We're continuously adding to our Marvelous Music Mix. Tune in! Enjoy! And let us know what you think! Talk to us here, on Twitter, on Facebook or by email at

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